Brunel University - Research into Computational Maths
Brunel University - Research into Computational Maths
An overview of the Brunel Institute of Computational Mathematics, one of the research centres within the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Mathematics Gives You Wings
Mathematics Gives You Wings
October 23, 2010 - Professor Margot Gerritsen illustrates how mathematics and computer modeling influence the design of modern airplanes, yachts, trucks and cars. This lecture is offered as part of the Classes Without Quizzes series at Stanford's 2010 Reunion Homecoming. Margot Gerritsen, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Energy Resources Engineering, with expertise in mathematical and computational modeling of energy and fluid flow processes. She teaches courses in energy and the environment, computational mathematics and computing at Stanford University. Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford Alumni Association: www.stanfordalumni.org Department of Mathematics at Stanford: math.stanford.edu Margot Gerritsen: margot.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com
13th Workshop in Applied & Computational Math
13th Workshop in Applied & Computational Math
The 13th Israeli Mini-Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics Prof. Zeev Zalevsky of the Faculty of Engineering, presents novel photonic approaches and means to exceed the limitations of vision science and eventually to allow for super resolved imaging and improved capabilities.
Integration of a computational mathematics education in the
Integration of a computational mathematics education in the
Here we present the integration of a computationally oriented mathematics education into the CDIO-based MSc program in mechanical engineering at Chalmers. The process for integration of mathematics into the curriculum is described together with the outline of the reformed education and the courses. Further, the impact and outcome as well as in what way the reformed education is better are discussed and success factors are identified Finally, we discuss next step in the development which includes computerized student training, teaching as well as computerized grading and assessment. For this we will use a virtual learning environment.
Dr. Fariba Fahroo - Computational Mathematics
Dr. Fariba Fahroo - Computational Mathematics
Dr. Fariba Fahroo presents an overview of her program - Computational Mathematics - at the 2012 AFOSR Spring Review.
Students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Financial Math & Computational Math batch 2005-2008)
Students of Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (Financial Math & Computational Math batch 2005-2008)
Our sweet memories... (Students of Financial and Computational Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu)
Math Saves The World! Computational Science at South Dakota State University
Math Saves The World! Computational Science at South Dakota State University
One of three "Math Saves The World!" videos promoting mathematics & statistics career tracks at South Dakota State University. This one promotes computational science.
RodDowney - Complexity, Computation and a bit of Fuzzy Logic
RodDowney - Complexity, Computation and a bit of Fuzzy Logic
The desire to understand things is what drives Rod Downey in his work in computational mathematics. In this interview he talks about the use of mathematics in areas as diverse as industrial smelting, computer chip manufacturing and tumble drier sensors.
Tej Gupta: Boundary Layer Theory and Computational Methods
Tej Gupta: Boundary Layer Theory and Computational Methods
Dr. Tej Gupta is a professor of Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at the Embry-Riddle Daytona Beach campus. He was born in Katra, India and came to the United States with his family in 1975. He has his Ph.D degree in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He also has MS and Ph.D degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Roorkee, India. Here at ERAU, he has taught more than 22 different Aerospace Engineering and related courses both at the graduate as well undergraduate levels. His area of expertise is in the Boundary Layer Theory and Computational Methods. Boundary layer is a very thin layer in the neighborhood of the body where friction plays an essential part. This frictional layer creates resistance, called drag. The Boundary Layer is a complex subject that has not been fully understood. Computational methods have greatly revolutionized the aircraft design process. For more information on our faculty experts: news.erau.edu *ERAU places high value on faculty working with mass media on stories to help inform the general public as a public service in a representative democracy. This professional activity is as important to ERAU as traditional basic and applied research.
Brendan Mackay - Bible Codes - fact or fiction?
Brendan Mackay - Bible Codes - fact or fiction?
What do the Bible and Moby Dick have in common? Are there hidden messages in the Bible, or are they just random occurrences? Listen to Brendan McKay as he talks about this fascinating application of computational mathematics.
TEDxMIA - Scott Rickard - The World's Ugliest Music
TEDxMIA - Scott Rickard - The World's Ugliest Music
SCOTT RICKARD Scott Rickard has degrees in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering from MIT and MA and PhD degrees in Applied and Computational Mathematics from Princeton University. At University College Dublin, he founded the Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory, where biologists, geologists, mathematicians, computer scientists, social scientists and economists work on problems which matter to people. He is passionate about mathematics, music and educating the next generation of scientists and mathematicians. TEDx In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
IEO Interviews: Mathematics, theoretical physics, computational sciences and cancer
IEO Interviews: Mathematics, theoretical physics, computational sciences and cancer
Dr Alberto D'Onofrio, Group Leader in Theoretical Biology and Medicine, Department of Experimental Oncology, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, discusses the part mathematics, theoretical physics and computer sciences play in studying cancer.
Computational complexity, arithmetical hierarchy and mathematical fuzzy logic - Petr Hájek
Computational complexity, arithmetical hierarchy and mathematical fuzzy logic - Petr Hájek
The lecture of Petr Hájek, 'Computational complexity, arithmetical hierarchy and mathematical fuzzy logic', presented at the "Trends in Logic IX" conference - Church's Thesis: Logic, Mind and Nature, 3-5 June 2011, Kraków, Poland. The conference was co-organized by Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies. Photos: www.adamwalanus.pl
Math from WPI (dating, corporate bonuses, epidemics, NP-complete)
Math from WPI (dating, corporate bonuses, epidemics, NP-complete)
The Mathematical Sciences Department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute provides leading-edge programs in education, research, and professional training in applied and computational mathematics and statistics. These programs are enhanced and distinguished by project-oriented education and collaborative involvement with industry, national research centers, and the international academic community.
Emily Carter on computational modeling of materials for energy applications
Emily Carter on computational modeling of materials for energy applications
Emily Carter, the Arthur W. Marks '19 Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Applied and Computational Mathematics, discusses her research in computational modeling of materials for energy applications. Her presentation is part of a June 9, 2009, Princeton University workshop aimed at turning fundamental research into technologies to address the energy challenges of the 21st century. View videos of other presenters at this workshop by searching the tag andlingerworkshop0609. For more info: www.princeton.edu
Ram Akella - Large-Scale Inference in Computational Marketing for Online Display Advertising
Ram Akella - Large-Scale Inference in Computational Marketing for Online Display Advertising
Large-Scale Inference in Computational Marketing for Online Display Advertising by Ram Akella. Computational Science and Engineering lecture. Location: CITRIS Headquarters, UC Berkeley CSE is a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field that encompasses real-world complex applications (scientific, engineering, social, economic, policy), computational mathematics, and computer science and engineering. High performance computing (HPC), large-scale simulations, and scientific applications all play a central role in CSE. i4Science will focus mainly on smaller subset of CSE applications that within 3--5 years would be scalable from 1000s to millions of processors and from tera to exa-scale computing using emerging computing technologies—HPC and Cloud.
Fighting to Beat Breast Cancer
Fighting to Beat Breast Cancer
research.nd.edu - In the United States, one in every eight women will face breast cancer at some point in her life. Courtney Rauch, a Notre Dame junior, learned upon her diagnosis at age 19 that, ultimately, the decisions concerning her treatment options were hers to make — a hard fact to handle at any age. Steven Buechler, chair of Notre Dame's Department of Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, is working to help women like Courtney improve the accuracy of the information they receive about their diagnosis, allowing them to receive individualized, targeted therapy to combat the disease. Dr. Buechler's research is transforming the way we look at breast cancer. Today, Courtney is an applied mathematics major, and works in Dr. Buechler's lab in an effort to help women facing the same disease.
VisIt — 3D Oscillation Equation
VisIt — 3D Oscillation Equation
The 3D oscillation equation with periodic boundary conditions is solved numerically using explicit finite-difference scheme on a rectilinear grid. The solution is visualized and animated using the VisIt tool — visit.llnl.gov This simulation was implemented during development of education course on high-performance computing for students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Lomonosov Moscow State University — http
Michael Langston - Genomics Or Mathematics?
Michael Langston - Genomics Or Mathematics?
Question: how closely related are biology and mathematics? Answer: 30 years ago, not at all, but today, very closely. Mike Langston talks about the convergence of mathematics, statistics, biology and computing when looking at the dataset of the human genome.
*The Finest Machine* - Kickstarter Video [HD]
*The Finest Machine* - Kickstarter Video [HD]
www.kickstarter.com go make this book a reality! Pledge a paperback preorder for $30 or a hardback preorder for $50. I hope to explain, in one book, how quantum physics, materials science, and the theory of computation give rise to the modern microprocessor. While some mathematical sophistication is required for a full treatment, the majority of the book will be accessible to any motivated reader with high school mathematical training. This is not a textbook, though it will involve significant portions of the undergraduate and graduate curricula in computer science. After reading The Finest Machine, the sedulous reader will understand the physical limits of computational devices, how silicon and optics yield computational structures, and the conceptual boundaries of computational theory. We start with electrons, build up through ALUs and compilers, and end at the brain. Along the way, we'll learn things like why your cell phone has multiple cores, why we use bits instead of trits or quatrits, the ancient art of single-instruction set computing, and why people who quip that "the universe is a computer" seem never to have time nor space sufficient for their algorithms. Initial sketch at a table of contents: dank.qemfd.net